sábado, 20 de abril de 2024

The Strokes

My complete collection of The Strokes (still updating)

If you have any content of The Strokes, audio (Lossless, demos, unreleased) or video (concert recordings, DVD's, TV recordings) send me an email to: giancca.contacto@gmail.com


The Strokes (Video)

The Strokes (Audio)

Alternative Projects:

Julian Casablancas (soon)

Albert Hammond Jr. (soon)

The Voidz (soon)

DONATE: https://paypal.me/Gianfranco678?country.x=PE&locale.x=es_XC

You don't need to donate, you are not obliged to do it, it's only if you want to support us in this project, there are some collectors with good material of The Strokes but they only put it for sale, they don't want to exchange or send, with the money you donate we can buy more material and we can contact you to send you a download link of the purchased material <3

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Arctic Monkeys (Video)

Master Files 2005-10-06  London Astoria, London, England 01:02:16 minutes (13GB) 2007-12-08  Alexandra Palace, London, England 01:30:51 minu...